Zero to Internet with WaveWiFi Rogue

This week has been a pretty frustrating one. We are about T – 10 days to move aboard our boat, and I am desperately trying to get her ready. One thing I am learning is that anything on a boat is two steps forward and one step back, or sometimes three. Things rarely go smoothly.

On top of this, as I have been installing things I always find I have questions,. Like “what exactly IS the maximum charge voltage of a Northstar battery?” Previously, I’d turn to the internet, but on a mooring I am stranded, and cut off.

In a 10pm fit of rage-inducing confusion, I grabbed the box for the WaveWiFi Rogue, a WiFi extender that Land and Sea Wifi helped us with. Amazing, it’s been the easiest thing I have installed all week, and within 10 minutes, here I am, typing a blog post.

Rogue WifiInstallation is, thank the Good Lord, simple. Screw in the antenna, run the cable (OK, it’s draping across the cockpit right now, but it *is* 10:30pm) and plug into your laptop. Navigate to and bang, you are surfing your marina’s WiFi that they are too cheap to make sure covers the mooring field.

I have already posted to a Raymarine support forum about their eye-poppingly expensive radar cables (and how I have the wrong one), and I might just see if Game of Thrones is on Netflix.

Thanks Land and Sea Wifi!