Cane Garden Bay, Western Tortola, BVI


“Regarded as some as one of the more beautiful anchorages in the BVI, Cane Garden Bay is picture postcard material.”

My only thought is Nancy and Simon Scott must have been high when they came here or it was a long time ago. Cane Garden Bay is busy, loud, and beach bar after beach bar. It seems most of the people here have been shipped over the hill from a cruise ship on the other side of Tortola. There are lots of pretty palm trees, but the place has the character of Detroit. I know, I used to live in Detroit…

It’s so strange, across the channel on Jost van Dyke, there was local food, local hosts and a vibrant West Indian character. In Cane Garden Bay, a whole bunch of local kids started jumping all over your dinghy the moment you walked away from the dinghy dock. This bit was especially impressive. When we got back they had done some little tricks, like turning off the fuel, turning the throttle wide open and undoing the outboard cover. Cute.

It’s the only place so far in the USVI/BVI that I have felt I needed to lock the dinghy, and I did.

I felt bad because I was the one who wanted to come here. I love sunsets and its supposed to be one of the best. The First Mate puts up with this irrational search. I can imagine her murmuring “it had better be worth it!”

Simon was too sunburned to go to dinner, so I went with the other two. Not such a great restaurant, Pico’s I think it was called.

Cane Garden Bay gets 1 star from Sailing with Kids

3 thoughts on “Cane Garden Bay, Western Tortola, BVI”

  1. First Mate commentary:
    Agreed. Cane Garden Bay is the Redneck Riviera of the BVI, thanks to all the cruise ship passengers. We did have fun jumping off the boom into the water after we arrived, and there was wifi available – even out on the mooring – for $4.95/hour, so it wasn’t all bad. For the record, the restaurant was named “Quito’s,” not “Pico’s,” but the Captain may have misread it after the half-bottle of rum we shared before dinner. The mooring at Cane Garden Bay was very roll-y from the swell, so we all woke up several times during the night, and the boys were cranky the next morning and begged for a “lazy day.” Um, isn’t every vacation day a lazy day?


  2. We sailed right on past there when we chartered last time in that area. Next time we visit BVI it will be on our own vessel and not a bareboat. I was kind of shocked to see how silly some of the bareboaters were. At least my crew acted civilized and like professionals while we were ashore 🙂 (of course they were all adults too though….)


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